Privacy Policy

Confidentiality of Crisis Chat

Crisis Chat specialists take your confidentiality seriously. We do not discuss or release your information to any third parties
unless you give us permission, or in circumstances in which we may be mandated by law to break confidentiality, such as the following:

• If the Specialist believes that you are an immediate danger to yourself or someone else and needs to contact emergency services to assist.
• In cases where reportable abuse is mentioned. Specialists are mandated reporters for abuse inflicted upon any of the following populations:
o Children under the age of 18
o Elderly persons over the age of 60
o Any person who is disabled
o Any person who is institutionalized, such as within a nursing home, hospital, or prison.
You are never required to provide the Specialist with any more information than you want to. Specialists will not make reports of any criminal
activity for any reason other than those stated above.